I’ve realised one of the key points I love about our Warriors is they support each other but they also support everyone else outside of the Warriors squad, females and males alike… it’s a community…
I feel like we no longer need to shout about women supporting other women in weightlifting as if we’re the only fucking ones who can support each other on this quest to be stronger, fitter, more independent, etc. In the gym I see the Warriors shouting on at the lads and vice versa, half the lads watch our lasses and say “fucking hell that’s some weight that mind” … we’re all lifting each other up and supporting each other… why shouldn’t this extend beyond the gym.
For some reason there’s been this monumental shift brought on by a feminist movement I’m actually, as a woman, ashamed of. Women are trying to get their men or men in general to behave more like girlfriends, to be less masculine…
Men as a result of many factors are behaving more like girlfriends and their physiques are becoming a representation of this, testosterone levels are at an all-time low across the board, men seem scared to look or act masculine after the likes of Gillette adverts have made masculinity something we should fear and/or be ashamed of.
Masculinity was something that used to be supported and celebrated, just look at statues through time, humans were revered for their physical strength, strength and a strong physique in males was held up as a goal to strive for.
Over the years this masculinity has been more and more associated with toxicity, simple items of clothing worn by body builders became known as “wife-beaters”, the whole thing just became more and more convoluted and no longer did we see strength as required for survival or even as a sign of greatness and self-care.
Taking care of yourself became more about how many layers of false tan you had on, how skinny your skinny jeans are or dare I say it, fitting into your girlfriends’ skinny jeans… oh my, the ultimate goal… Men are now getting their tits out as much as women are purely for the gram to get a bit of exposure, the roles are being reversed, I’ve got lads now telling me on starting that they don’t want to get too big… what the fuck has happened there?!
Strong men are being chastised for showing strength, they’re abused and called sociopaths because they limit their emotions. The world is NOT a better place without masculinity, masculinity is not toxic, masculinity does not make men superior, it makes them strong, it makes them able to look after those around them. We’re all fucked if we go to war put it that way, masculinity does not cause war, fucking idiots in power do and guess what idiots put them there, the same stupid snowflake generation of bellends who think the definition of feminism is making men cry blood and they won’t be happy unless there’s a complete emasculation of the male population.
Of course, I think it’s important each of us have elements of the other within us, it does women good to have some male traits and vice versa. As a woman I want a strong man with a soft touch. I’m sure there’s many who agree.
More and more men each year are taking their own lives… More than women… what does that tell you?!
It tells me society have fucked up and gone too far, that’s what it tells me.
I’m female and I’m sat here writing a blog about men’s mental health because a bunch of fucking idiots have to go a step too far (as with everything), and in my opinion it’s fucked society beyond belief.
It’s gone from a womans right to vote and get a job and receive equal pay for an equal job done (which I whole-heartedly agree with), to women deciding other women can’t do a certain job because it’s sexualisation (ring girls/flag girls), its women telling men they can’t be men because it’s scary, it’s women having every bastard right that a man doesn’t… women still get the say in broken home scenarios where kids are concerned… women still can and do use their tits as and when they see fit to get their own way… women still get away with domestic abuse and dodgy rape claims… why… because we’re women and we’ve fucked men to the point where they can’t even speak up for themselves anymore because it’s sexist!!! Women always appear to get the benefit of the doubt.
A friend of mine wrote a blog a while back discussing women and their desire to take on completely male roles… not as a sexist act but from a health perspective and the effects he in his business is seeing as a result. I’ll save him the tag just in case the above is a bit too much, but I will be letting him know I’ve written this.
He has a business called Revive Yourself which is all about healing yourself the natural way, gut health and happiness.
Now Ryan won’t mind me saying I don’t necessarily agree with everything he says, but when it comes to this blog he has written, I couldn’t agree more and have shared it myself while back.
Having dealt first hand with the effects of the new age feminist, Ryan has worked with women who are “exhausted, overworked, undernourished, over stressed and sedentary”, he’s not digging at women neither, he’s simply saying that because we’re so advanced and that we have all the latest tech, etc, that we have this “we’re above nature” mentality that men and women are the same and we just aren’t.
Women can create life with the help of man, but only women can carry, give birth to and nourish a child from themselves.
In native cultures this in itself gave women the superior ranking, the “crown jewel” as Ryan puts it.
The men of the tribes were in place to protect them because if the females were injured or couldn’t reproduce the whole tribes’ survival was in jeopardy.
Just like today, if women aren’t healthy, society WILL collapse.
Women simply cannot live the life of a man and expect to not experience health problems such as PCOS, thyroid issues, adrenal fatigue, menstrual issues, inability to conceive and weight management issues… the list goes on…
Similarly, men have health issues caused by the increasing imbalance and emasculation they face day in and day out.
Testosterone level drops aforementioned are just the tip of the iceberg into a long list of issues which peak at mental health. If men aren’t healthy, society WILL collapse.
We need to regain some level of balance here before it’s too late.
Women can be strong, and men can also, men can be nurturing, women can also, but we are not the same and shouldn’t strive to be.
It’s time to turn the tables, it’s time to seek a natural balance where we all support each other instead of women trying to take over the world by simply beating down the men of today into submission and femininity as though its superlative… doesn’t that ultimately make us as bad as those men who many years ago oppressed women’s rights and don’t we all stand stronger together?
Link to the original post is here.